Platform Migrations

Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace Migrations

Core to all MATs and schools, are the platforms on which their IT is based. Often, despite sharing similar technology, a MAT platform can be siloed or disconnected between schools, costing more money and time to manage whilst not reaping any rewards.

One of the most effective strategies to facilitate collaboration across Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and significantly enhance both management efficiency and the return on technology investments is the creation of a unified and integrated platform. This could be achieved through adopting Microsoft 365 tenancy or Google's Workspace platform. Regardless of the choice, it is imperative for the integration of schools within the Trust onto these platforms.

Many Trusts are challenged with managing multiple platforms, even when they are provided by the same vendor. Consider, for instance, a Trust comprising ten schools, each of which has joined the Trust at different stages of its development. It is a reasonable expectation that each school might operate its own Microsoft 365 tenancy. Yet, this approach fails to leverage the potential for consolidation within the MAT, resulting in the management of ten distinct tenancies, each with its unique configuration. This not only complicates administrative processes but also dilutes the benefits of a collective approach to technology management and utilisation within the Trust.

Gridserve is ready to assist your MAT in either developing or selecting an appropriate tenancy, which will serve as the foundation for migrating each member school into a singular, unified system. This consolidation results in a single instance that is simpler to manage, secure, and within which to foster collaboration. This approach not only provides tangible advantages to existing Trusts but also streamlines the process of integrating future schools into the MAT, ensuring a seamless adoption and onboarding experience.


Migration Process


  • Each member school within the Trust will be assessed noting configuration and security setup.
  • Migration plan established with consideration to timescales, school breaks, and other significant planned changes.


  • A new (or existing) tenancy will be adopted and configured in preparation of school migrations onto the new platform.


  • Each school will be migrated individually, to allow for staff adoption to take place at a sensible pace.
  • Ongoing training provided to key staff where needed to ensure minimal disruption to the schools.


  • The new tenancy will be managed, secured and maintained by Gridserve, or handed across to existing IT team.